Shibari Attack: Art under the bridges

There are many places in this city where urban art takes place and gets to flow and express by itself. There are many hidden spots where those who use spray paint as a form of expression have redecorated them leaving there their artistic impromptu. They might be somehow hard to find, but they’re surely part of the city we live at.

Shibari Attack group gathered together once again. This time we were celebrating three birthdays at the same time. Two of our riggers and one of our models were celebrating their birthdays within a few days lapse. That was enough motivation to celebrate and, as always, beside our typical friends celebration at a bar, let our ropes fly once more. Only a few steps away were we were celebrating, we found the perfect spot for our art. The place had already been taken by another group of artists who had decorated their walls with some brilliant urban paints called graffiti. We let our ropes fly there and the crowded group had a lot of fun impressing some casual walkers that happened to pass by.

We were in the middle of our work when we received an unexpected visit. It somehow helped us to get that so particularly recognizable color on some of our photos. Why?…  You’ll understand it all when you take a look at the video and the photos that follow:


Shibari Attack is a group of artists that celebrate their passion for shibari by enhancing the spontaneity, the unexpected and surprising moments where they are able to create rope art in the blink of an eye in creative and unusual places. All these is built in a quick and vertiginous way, in such a manner that graphical testimonies are not always able to portrait it’s simple but yet intricate, fast but paused and ephemeral adrenaline rush. Due to the collective nature and joint action that Shibari Attack implies, it drives individual protagonism (both from riggers, models, photographers, and artists in general) to fade leaving place for the creativity beauty to shine from the group as a whole.

SHIBARI ATTACK – Sponteaneous rope art at Buenos Aires City – March 11th 2016 in our Vimeo channel KinbakuMania

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