Shibari Attack

Shibari Attack is a new concept born during an informal meeting among friends, students, models and artists that usually collaborate at KinbakuMania Dojo. There is an ongoing topic always returning in those meetings that enlightens our ideas and is usually expressed in phrases like “Oh.. how I wish we could do ropes in such and such place”. It is usually followed with an endless brain storming like exercise where each one proposes different ways and places to do ropes (sometimes about the same place we’re reunited at). All this led to a concrete proposal that allowed itself to flow during the early morning hours of November 22nd 2015.  After agreeing with the bar owner we let our ropes fly improvising a communion that let our shibari flow between the model who gladly accepted the idea, the space topology and our own impromptu as a group.

After witnessing our own creation as a group by synchronizing our energies and letting our rope’s passion flow, we agreed that that experience was worth to be repeated in many future occasions. Our minds were full of glowing ideas of new places were to allow ourselves this experience, while we as a group agreed to name this art as “Shibari Attack”.

Shibari Attack is a group of artists that celebrate their passion for shibari by enhancing the spontaneity, the unexpected and surprising moments where they are able to create rope art in the blink of an eye in creative and unusual places. All these is built in a quick and vertiginous way, in such a manner that graphical testimonies are not always able to portrait it’s simple but yet intricate, fast but paused and ephemeral adrenaline rush.  Due to the collective nature and joint action that Shibari Attack implies, it drives individual protagonism (both from riggers, models, photographers, and artists in general) to fade leaving place for the creativity beauty to shine from the group as a whole.

The name “Shibari Attack” comes from that artistic attack our minds experience when we feel that both space, model, rope availability and occasion meet together in an unique and unrepeatable opportunity to let ourselves flow.  All KinbakuMania Dojo’s students are welcomed to participate in the Shibari Attack, keeping in mind that the first and most important thing is to know their limitations, their abilities as riggers,  and what are they able to achieve with what they’ve learned so far. Even from just a simple rope lace and up to intricate tying patterns, all is done in a careful way by being conscious of what we’re giving both to the model and to the possible spectators. Shibari Attacks are done in a consensual way both with the models and artists that take part of it. It’s proposed as a collective art where the creation belongs to the group under the Shibari Attack umbrella.

We’ll be having fun with new and different “Shibari Attacks” in spontaneous ways where the location and circumstances allow us to do so. As soon as the photographic testimonies of these sessions come out we’ll be uploading them in the Gallery of this site for the enjoyment of those who would want to recall these moments. We’ll also be open to any KinbakuMania’s friends proposals. Don’t hesitate to send them to us. We’ll evaluate them and eventually coordinate them if feasible.


Expect us !!

We are Shibari Attack !!

Some of our Shibari Attacks:

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