Thanks for being here so far!
KinbakuMania is the first Shibari/Kinbaku Dojo in Buenos Aires, Argentina and Latin America. Not only for assisting Osada Steve Sensei with all Osada-Ryu material translation into Spanish, but also for counting with his approval to start teaching and having my own students.
KinbakuMania Dojo’s objective is to offer quality authentic material about Shibari (縛り) and Kinbaku (緊 縛) as they are conceived in Japan. We want to give any Spanish speaking person the opportunity to come closer to this wonderful Japanese art in a genuine and demystified way. Also we want to show all this from a earnest point of view where you would be able to learn and share thoughts both in a theoretical and practical way.
In KinbakuMania you’ll find excellent material from awarded professional Japanese rope artists, and some prestigious Shibari/Kinbaku fans and researchers also. We took care to translate them into Spanish in a careful way, protecting their essence and their spirit.
I’m truly honored and grateful to be accepted as Osada Steve Sensei’s (長田スティーブ) student. I will be glad to get you in a deep and genuine contact with all his work, writings, projects and any news that shall be worthwhile to mention. I’ll be including links to all his Osada -Ryu alternatives, sites, official and associated dojos, etc.
I would like to deeply and eternally thank to my beloved friend Kurt. He always provided me with a deep and generous friendship. He knew how to skillfully guide me into the world of Shibari/Kinbaku until I met and knew who my Sensei is nowadays.
I would like to heartfully thank Mr. Osada Steve as he relied on me as a worthy custodian of a bit of his wisdom. He leaded my steps in such a special way that lets me feel I can choose my own road at the same time. Thanking his generocity for having introduced me to the great and Legendary Shibari Master Yukimura Haruki 雪村春樹 Sensei, with whom I’ve been practicing during my last stay in Tokyo. We will be gladly sharing here all what we can about Yukimura Haruki Sensei’s school: Yukimura-Ryu.
Thanking him and all Great Masters that so kindly devote their life and precious experience to teaching this wonderful art and making it available for our occidental minds. Also I would like to thank those who care to bring us a strong foundation in safety and tips, and at the same time teach us the medullar secret essence that this great art hides; as by putting our ego aside, we enable that the unique miracle between rigger and rigged occurs, whilst unveiling that each obvious meaning may hide another one, unknown for foreigners but deeply implicit for the Japanese.
Also I would like to thank people as Master “K”, who spent over 30 years researching about this matter, and has been so kind to develop and publish a book like “The Beauty of Kinbaku” that enlightened (both Orientals and Occidentals) giving all of us a consistent context of the historic paradigm where this so special art was born.
All my respects and admiration for those who let us learn from their valuable experience.
Domo arigatou gozaimasu! Onegaishimasu!