Kinbaku Appreciation (by Zetsu Nawa)

Some days ago I’ve been browsing some friends’ rope pages and after visiting the always incredible Kinbaku Today page I’ve found this awesome article by Zetsu Nawa san that he named “The Mushroom and the Squid:  Kinoko and Ika in Los Angeles

I’ve found it one of the finest visions about how Shibari Kinbaku as an art is taken into account in westerner culture. The excellent usage of the “Kinbaku Appreciation term by Zetsu Nawa san seemed to me something so radical and such a breakthrough concept that I did prefer to use those words for the title while I planned to share his work here.

That proposed way of appreciation mainly focuses on those so particular and special values Kinbaku has just because of it’s Japanese origin, on it’s values beyond the aesthetic fetish of the rope over skin, or the spectacular acrobatic position of the model during the performance. I’ve felt it was very important to translate it into Spanish so to let the Spanish speaking rope community meditate and query themselves about some of the rope values. We as a community must ask ourselves if are we seeing the real values of Kinbaku, or are we rather keeping ourselves on the external look thus forgetting the soul of this art. May this help ourselves as a community to reach Kinbaku roots again, and to recall what this art means for the Japanese.

You can find Kinbaku Today link of Zetsu san posts at this link)


Thanks Zetsu san for letting us translate your text so we can reach Spanish speaking community with your wise vision.

Haru TsubakiHaruTsubaki

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