Shibari Attack Nov 26th 2015 at Azael’s Gym

This time the Shibari Attack team appeared in one of Azael’s Gym floor. We’ve been invited by him to a fetishism reunion that took place there and was opened to other kind of practices. At the typical Gym room where all the exercising was waiting for us, we felt our inspiration to let our ropes fly once again. So, counting con the willing cooperation of those who oferred theirselves as models, the joint art showed again and got a lot of spectators that enjoyed the show. Some of them even were invited by us to take part of the show and enjoyed doing so.

Shibari Attack is a group of artists that celebrate their passion for shibari by enhancing the spontaneity, the unexpected and surprising moments where they are able to create rope art in the blink of an eye in creative and unusual places. All these is built in a quick and vertiginous way, in such a manner that graphical testimonies are not always able to portrait it’s simple but yet intricate, fast but paused and ephemeral adrenaline rush.  Due to the collective nature and joint action that Shibari Attack implies, it drives individual protagonism (both from riggers, models, photographers, and artists in general) to fade leaving place for the creativity beauty to shine from the group as a whole.

[wppa type=”album” album=”49″][/wppa]


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